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Where are we?

We live in a historical context where we face significant challenges regarding the consumption of natural resources. The exponential increase in the consumption of these resources (water, electricity, fossil fuels, minerals and food) has been driven by population growth, urbanization, industrialization and rampant consumption.

The extraction and use of these resources have contributed to environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution, climate change, and other problems that affect the quality of life of our society as a whole.

In addition to having a significant cost for the environment and society, this excessive consumption has led to conflicts and geopolitical tensions, as many countries seek to ensure access to these resources to sustain their "economic development."

This may be the biggest irony in all of this: we fight over increasingly scarce resources while at the same time encouraging limitless consumption for the sake of this entity called "the economy".

We need to change our attitude

Change is always a "heroic" mission. We tend towards inertia in all aspects of life.

Change in a moment of crisis has a specific name: innovation.

A phrase attributed to the Greek philosopher Plato says:

Necessity is the mother of innovation.

I cannot see a more necessary moment to innovate than now.

We need to innovate not only technologically but also in the way we relate to our planet and all those who inhabit it. If we continue to think only of ourselves, we will perish as a society in a not too distant future.

Every change requires movement. And once again quoting the philosopher Plato:

Try to move the world. The first step will be to move yourself.

What am I doing to change my attitude?

The initiative to create this space is part of a change plan that I have been executing for some years now. This change has mainly been happening on a personal level. With this space, I hope to contribute a little beyond that.

The initial idea is to share some experiences that I have been working over the years, mainly in software development and in the study of electric motors.


  1. Collaborate instead of compete.
  2. Share instead of hoard.
  3. Reduce waste instead of seeking more resources.


If you have any questions, suggestions or interest in learning more about the projects, do not hesitate to contact me 😀